Shyness in children

shyness treated in fareham
Shyness treated in Fareham

Shyness in children treated in Fareham

Most children feel shy from time to time but when these emotions restrict the child’s social development it becomes a matter of concern to parents. In adulthood these feelings of shyness can often develop into social anxiety which is a fear of being judged. Examples of shyness in children can evolve into:

  • Reduced opportunities to rehearse social skills meaning fewer friends
  • increase in feelings of loneliness, and of not fitting in
  • feeling unimportant, and consequently losing self esteem
    high levels of anxiety
  • physical effects such as blushing, panicking, and becoming tongue tied

Shyness also has a plus side, such as:

  • Being a good listener
  • doing well at school
  • being good and not getting into trouble

In social situations if the child is not coping well they will probably be berating, and comparing themselves to their peers. This will only increase the feelings of worthlessness and further diminish confidence.

When we work to overcome shyness we teach emotional resilience. This means the child learns that they too have skills, and resources they can call upon, in situations where they would have previously experienced stress and anxiety.